MAP Museum and Sleepover

This trip to Melbourne is to provide experiential consolidation and extension for our work on Indigenous Culture (Term 2) and a segue into Peace & Human Rights (Term 3) work. We will be traveling to the Melbourne Museum to explore the Millari Garden Trail, experience the Pacific Islander stories (Tok stori Vikitolia Pasifiki and Te Vainui O Pasifika) and First Peoples and 600 Million Years exhibitions. We will also be participating in a workshop at the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre about Indiegnous Human Rights in Modern Times.

The group will start at school on Tuesday (after a normal school day) with an informal dinner (Spud Night!) for parents at 6pm. Students will sleepover at school so that we can get an early (7:30am) start on Wednesday (breakfast provided). We will travel by bus down to the Melbourne Museum where we will combine the above workshops and self-guided tours either side of lunch at the museum (lunch provided). Around 3:30pm we will board the bus again and travel home. On the way home we will stop at Benalla to grab some dinner (students to bring some money for this). We will arrive back around 8 pm.