
At Beechworth Secondary College, we have a system of care, involving form teachers, year level coordinators, a student wellbeing coordinator, a school nurse and classroom teachers.

At Year 7, our Peer Support Program assists students to settle into their new environment. The college hosts a Year 7 Parent Day in Term 1 where parents have the opportunity to participate in a range of classes with their children. This is followed by a BBQ for parents, students and teachers. New students in other year levels are given a ‘buddy’ to help them settle in for the first few days of their attendance.

School Student Wellbeing Coordinator
The Student Wellbeing Coordinator is responsible for running school programs such as Peer Support and organising visiting professionals. The Coordinator also deals with a myriad of issues and can organise testing and support for students through outside agencies when appropriate. Our visiting professionals include a speech pathologist, a psychologist and Youth Workers.

Student wellbeing is the responsibility of all staff. The goals of student wellbeing are:

1. To develop co-operative and supportive behaviour between all school members including students, parents and teachers.

2. To develop skills and interests in students that will enable them to lead healthy, interesting and productive lives.

3. To identify and assist students who are at risk of leaving school without the opportunity of employment or further education.

School Policies
Our school has developed the following policies and procedures which relate to student management:

Student Engagement Policy (which covers issues such as harassment and bullying, student behavior and student welfare)
Procedures for dealing with harassment and bullying.
ISDES (Individual School Drug Education Strategy)
Mobile Phone Policy
Sunsmart Policy
Internet Use Policy
Copies of these policies can be obtained by contacting the school and are also in the Student Planner which is distributed to all students.

A School Wellbeing Committee and the Year Level Coordinators meet on a regular basis. Parents are asked to contact their Form Teacher, Year Level or Student Wellbeing Coordinator if any changes occur at home that may have an impact on their son/daughter’s learning. Such examples would be family illness or death, change of address, change in family living arrangements or access arrangements, etc.

Student Management & Discipline
Our approach to school discipline is based on positive relationships and staff work closely with students to develop a productive and healthy association. The rights and responsibilities of students and staff are negotiated on a regular basis and provide a framework within which all at the college can learn and work productively. All teachers are responsible for maintaining orderly behaviour in and out of class. Our aim is to engage students by providing a comprehensive, and relevant, curriculum and a supportive wellbeing network, combined with high quality teaching. Students are made aware of the expectations of appropriate behaviour and positive participation. The Student Code of Conduct, Harassment Policy and School Rules clearly inform students of their rights and responsibilities, and the consequences if students misbehave. Serious discipline issues are referred to the Level Coordinator, Assistant Principal and/or Principal. Parents are then contacted about these issues.

In most cases, the first person to contact if there are any concerns, is the Form Teacher or Year Level Coordinator. However, parents are most welcome to contact other teachers as appropriate.

Form Teachers
A form assembly is held at the start of every school day, form teachers are well placed to assist students. They mark the roll and monitor absence notes, read and discuss the daily bulletin, and assist Student Forum Representatives with various matters. They are also able to deal with any issues or concerns students have.

Year Level Coordinators
Year Level Coordinators are responsible for the everyday management of the appropriate year level. They deal with student management issues that may arise which interfere with the productive learning of other students. The Year Level Coordinator works closely with Form Teachers and the Student Wellbeing Coordinator to ensure the best outcome for the student. They will also contact home if the need arises and welcome feedback from families regarding their children.

Disability & Impairment Funding
Where a student qualifies for funding, we will employ an Integration Aide to support the student’s learning. However, all staff are committed to developing strategies to enable integration students to participate in classes with their peers.

Peer Support Program
This program is designed to assist our new Year 7 students with their transition to secondary school and forms a vital role as part of their induction into our College. Year 7 students are placed in small groups and each of these groups is allotted two or three Peer Leaders from Year 10. These Peer Leaders have been trained to lead activities and discussions. This program aims to develop self-esteem, self-acceptance, confidence, the ability to make sound decisions and leadership skills in all students. Peer Support groups meet during the year, starting out quite frequently and tapering off towards the end of the year when the Year 7 students are settled and more comfortable in the school.


At Beechworth Secondary College we strive to provide an inclusive, supportive and safe learning environment by encouraging all students to demonstrate our core school values of Aspire, Respect and Contribute.

The core school values are supported by the development and implementation of a School Wide Positive Behaviours Support (SWPBS) framework.  The SWPBS framework promotes a proactive approach to teaching behavioural expectations, acknowledging students for demonstrating expected behaviours and implementing a consistent whole school approach to discipline with clearly defined expectations, rules and routines, which are developed and taught by all school staff.

The SWPBS framework supports staff, students and families to:

  • acknowledge the importance of wellbeing to the learning process
  • develop a rich school culture and positive climate that creates a sense of belonging and self-responsibility, leading to positive behaviour, improved student attendance and achievement
  • embed personal and social capabilities within the general curriculum
  • improve educational outcomes for all students.

As an SWPBS school, Beechworth Secondary College seeks to establish clear school values, develop curriculum that is engaging and authentic, and focuses on wellbeing for all. The establishment and clear articulation of our core values of Aspire, Respect and Contribute informs every action, interaction and reaction within our school community.