Later Years 10-12

Beechworth Secondary College students are offered an extensive range of courses and subjects within the VCE, VET and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) framework. This allows us to meet the needs of all our students. The majority of our VCE classes are small, allowing staff to provide greater individual attention and support. The school has an excellent record of VCE results and achievements. These achievements have enabled students to follow diverse pathways towards a range of satisfying and challenging careers. Study and motivation sessions are held for Year 10, 11 and 12 students to assist them in focusing on their work in the final years at Beechworth Secondary College. Goal setting and study skills sessions are important parts of these programs. Students in Years 10 to 12 are supported in planning for their future with advice from our Careers Advisor and Year Level Coordinators.

Year 10
At Year 10 English and Maths are compulsory each semester and students are expected to complete at least one unit from each of the other Learning Areas.

Year 11 and 12 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)
VCE Units run for one semester. All students study four units of English. Students normally select five additional units per semester at Year 11 and four additional units per semester at Year 12.

Vocational Education and Training in Schools (VET)
A range of VET options (which may count towards the VCE) are offered to Year 10, 11 and 12 students. Some of these units are run at Beechworth Secondary College, such as VET Community Services, VET Digital Media and Vet Building and Construction or Automotive. Some can be accessed at Wodonga Senior Secondary College through our Trade Training Centre Consortium membership. Some students also attend the Technical Education Centre run by GO TAFE in Wangaratta. This enables students to receive both a VCE and TAFE qualification that is recognised by industry, and contributes to their final ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Ranking) score.

Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)
VCAL is an alternative to the VCE. It has a specific industry workplace focus and involves a work placement one day per week and enrolment into a VET course. School Based Apprenticeships are also an option for students.

You can find the Senior School Handbook for 2022 here.  2022 Senior School Information Handbook Published

Our Careers teacher is available to assist students in a number of ways, including:

  • Counselling for employment, subject selections and tertiary options
  • Minternet-based resources including ‘OZJAC’ and ‘Job Guide’
  • VTAC and Tertiary Information Sessions
  • Visiting local Careers Expo


Work Experience
Students in Year 10 take part in a work experience program (with Year 9, 11 and 12 students also participating, if requested). Students are placed in a suitable workplace for a week at a time. Most placements are local, but students are encouraged to take a broader perspective to include Wodonga, Wangaratta, Melbourne and beyond. A number of students now undertake work experience for one day per week for the majority of the year. Work places range from farms to local restaurants.