Student Information

Student lockers and locks

All students are issued with a locker at the beginning of the school year. Our locker bays are single year level and students are assigned by Home Group. Students in Year 7, and new students, are issued with a combination lock and are expected to use this lock for their time at the college to secure their locker. All students are required to lock their locker to ensure their belongings do not fall out of their locker and their items are safe.

Booklists and resources

In late November of each school year, students are issued with a booklist that describes the texts and resources required for the subsequent school year. Textbooks are ordered by families individually through Campion Education and stationery items can be ordered through Beechworth Newsagent.

Students are also required to purchase annual subscriptions to Education Perfect and/or Edrolo for a number of subjects. This is detailed in the booklist.

Second hand books are also available through:

Students enrolling at the school part way through will be supported by the Library staff to order books and establish online subscriptions.