

Enrolment Process

Enrolment enquiries are welcome at any time during the school year for all year levels.

Grade 6/7 government school student application process:

  • Your school will contact you during Term 2 and ask you to complete the form “Application for Year 7 Placement 2025”. When complete, submit this to your primary school by 10th May 2024.
  • The primary school will manage a list of all of their Grade 6 students and send the names to the appropriate Secondary College.
  • Confirmation of placement will come after 19th July. We are not permitted to confirm any places prior to this time. Students within the Beechworth Secondary school zone will be offered placement in Year 7 at Beechworth SC.
  • To check your school zone visit the Find My School website.
  • Our Montessori Adolescent Program is currently under review. However, families can still submit an Expression of Interest on the form provided, as gauging interest from prospective families is part of our review process.


Grade 6/7 non-government school student application process:

  • Student in Grade 6 transitioning from St Joseph’s PS Beechworth and Beechworth Montessori School can access the “Application for Year 7 Placement 2025” from your primary school office. This can be completed and submitted to your primary school.
  • Students from other non-government schools will need to directly request an enrolment pack from the BSC office and submit it back to the college during the Grade 6 year. The time frame for notification of placement is the same as for government school students as detailed above.


All other applications:

  • We recommend you book a tour or a meeting with our principal team prior to enrolling. Enrolment forms for students in all other year levels can be accessed by contacting our office team.


Return applications to Beechworth Secondary College:

  • Mail: PO Box 21, Beechworth, 3747
  • In person: 85 Balaclava Road, Beechworth, 3747
  • Email: beechworth.sc@education.vic.gov.au
  • To book a tour of the school or request an enrolment application, please contact the school office on (03) 5728 1264.


Catchment primary schools include:

  • Beechworth Primary School
  • St Joseph’s Primary School
  • Beechworth Montessori School
  • Wooragee Primary School
  • Yackandandah Primary School
  • Middle Indigo Primary School

Enrolment Timeline - Year 7 2025

  • 27th March 2024:
    Discovery Tours and Open Night
    – invitation to all interested families and community members to tour our college and experience what our program has to offer.
  • From 15th April 2024:
    Families at government schools will receive the Parent Transition Pack from their primary school which includes the “Application for Year 7 Placement 2025” form. Parent Transition Packs for Beechworth Montessori School and St Josephs PS Beechworth schools will be available to collect from you primary school from 15th April 2024.
  • 10th May 2024:
    Families at government schools will return their completed application for Year 7 to their primary school. Families at Beechworth Montessori School and St Josephs PS Beechworth will return their completed application directly to their primary school. Families from other non-government schools return application forms directly to the BSC office.
  • 17th July 2024:
    Families at government schools are notified of the outcome of their application by their primary school. Families at non-government schools are notified of their outcome by Beechworth Secondary College.
  • Early August 2024:
    We will send a welcome letter to future Year 7 students.
  • From 21st August 2024:
    We will send enrolment packs and information about transition days to future Year 7 students
  • August – September 2024:
    Orientation process for future Year 7 families and students commences, including parent welcome evening, initial academic assessment and other events and information.
  • 10th December 2024:
    Statewide orientation day for all Year 6 students